Blaise Primary and Nursery School

Mental Health & Wellbeing


Mental Health and Wellbeing


Lead staff members:

Mr Massimo Bonnaddio - Headteacher

Ms Julie Barlow - Deputy Headteacher

Ms Emma Robinson - Assistant Headteacher

Ms Stephanie Hughes - SENCo and Assistant Headteacher

Ms Julie Dart – Learning Mentor

Mr Whittaker - Learning Mentor

Should you need any help or advice regarding issues around mental health and well-being please do not hesitate to contact us at school.




At Blaise Primary and Nursery School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of everyone in our school community: pupils, parents/carers and staff. We recognise that everyone may experience challenges in life which can make us vulnerable and require support systems to be in place. Mental health is everyone's business and we all have a role to play in achieving positive mental and physical wellbeing for all.


We will:

  • teach children to understand their emotions and feelings
  • ensure children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
  • help children form and maintain positive relationships with peers and adults
  • promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they know their self worth
  • encourage children to be confident in who they are, 'daring to be different'
  • give opportunities to children to take risks, set goals and be persistent when faced with challenges
  • support children with developing emotional resilience and managing setbacks, fostering a  Growth Mindset
  • provide consistency, structure, safety and care to all children as part of the Blaise team


  •  Please click here to download our Mental health and Wellbeing Policy.


Action Plan

  • Please click here to download our Mental Health and Well-Being Action Plan 2021-22.


Useful Resources


Mindline Helpline - 0808 808 0330

Mindline Helpline is a confidential freephone helpline currently open Wednesday to Sunday from 7pm to 11pm providing a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. They can also give information about mental health support services available in your area that could help you. You can talk things through with one of their trained volunteer listeners or they can just listen. You don’t have to tell them your name. Calls can last up to 30 minutes per evening. This allows the volunteers to really listen carefully to what you have to say. It also allows them to support as many people as possible.

Childline Helpline - 0800 1111

When you call them, you’ll get through to a counsellor, they’re there to listen and support you with anything you’d like to talk about, or you can have a 1-2-1 counsellor chat online: 



Useful Websites to support  - a range of helpful resources to support children and young people - expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing - teaching and learning strategies for children with learning difficulties and disabilities - a free, private and confidential service where anyone can talk about anything online, on the phone, anytime. - meditation made simple, teaching you life-changing mindfulness skills in just a few minutes a day. - supporting families through domestic abuse, mental health problems, prison sentences, asylum seeking and more. - practical tools and treatments to support parents/carers including wellbeing, education and strategies. - tools for young people to look after their mental health and empowering adults to be the best support they can be.

Understanding Coronavirus for Children

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families - Advice for Young People

Children's Commissioner - Children's Guide to Coronavirus

Emerging Minds - Supporting children and young people with worries about Covid-19

Emerging Minds are a research network that aims to reduce the prevalence of mental health problems experienced by children and young people.

ELSA – Coronavirus - A Story for Children

SEND – Coronavirus – A Story for SEND Children



Guidance for Parents and Carers

Government - Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak

MindEd - Educational Resources on Children and Young People's Mental Health

BBC - How to protect your mental health

Psychology Tools - Guide To Living With Worry And Anxiety Amidst Global Uncertainty




Sadly, many people across the world have lost loved ones during this time. This is an excellent offering help to children and advice for parents to support children with the loss of someone they love.

Childhood Bereavement Network -




Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment. It can have numerous benefits, everything from decreased stress and sadness to increased levels focus and happiness, according to general mindfulness research. Mindfulness meditation practice is one way to truly experience the current moment and integrate that awareness into your everyday life.

Headspace and Calm are both offering free mindfulness exercises during this time.



Self Esteem and Mental Wellbeing

The British Psychological Society - A Variety of Blogs

How to NOT go to school - A free, downloadable book about children's emotions and wellbeing

Beacon House have published the document below with some activities to support mental health at this time.

 self esteem.pptxDownload
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