Blaise Primary and Nursery School


School Uniform Policy


Blaise Primary and Nursery School school uniform is available here on the Monkhouse Uniform Page.

Children wear PE kits all day on PE days. 

Please  do not send your child to school wearing jeans, or tops that leave shoulder or midriffs bare. 

Children should wear suitable footwear. High heels and slip on shoes and flip-flops, can be unsafe and should not be worn.


Role of Parents and Carers

We ask all parents to support the uniform policy by sending children to School appropriately dressed and in school colours.

Please see below for clarification on expectations:

  • A dark blue school top/jumper/sweatshirt (either with the school logo or with no logo), dark trousers or skirt (e.g. black, grey, dark navy)
  • Flat, sensible, safe shoes (trainers or shoes), in a neutral colour (black/beige/brown/very dark navy: no crocs, slides or similar.
  • Plain, flat boots are acceptable in winter
  • Flat sandals, with a heel strap, are acceptable in summer.

Please significantly reduce the risk of losing items of clothing by labelling all clothing and footwear with your child’s name.