All of the schools in NW24 are located to the North and West of Bristol city centre – from Stoke Bishop across to Bishop Road, and from Hotwells up to Westbury-On-Trym.
NW24 Teaching and Learning Partnership
Headteachers and other staff in these schools have been working together in one way or another for many years, but from September 2015 they have signed up to a formal agreement to drive improvement in all the member schools by working ever more closely together.

NW24 includes Infant, Junior, Primary, Secondary and Special Schools. It includes Bristol Local Authority maintained schools, standalone academies, sponsored academies and Free Schools. The diversity of the membership is one of the biggest strengths of the Partnership.
Heads, Governors and Business Managers have all made a commitment to strengthening the links between schools for the benefit of the children and families we serve. Teachers, learning support teams, pastoral support workers and administrative staff can all benefit from the opportunities that this collaboration brings.
As a member of NW24, Blaise Primary & Nursery School is part of a partnership which aims to improve outcomes for children, to deliver high quality professional development for staff, and to represent the interests of its members in policy decisions at local, regional and national level.