British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values at Blaise Primary & Nursery School
In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in our school to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.
The Key British Values are:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We actively promote British values through
- Focusing on and showing how the school’s work is effective in securing these values
- Challenging pupils, staff, visitors or parents who express opinions contrary to British values
The Department for Education (DfE) places a duty on EYFS providers, schools and colleges to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain by developing their understanding of ‘fundamental British values’.
At Blaise, we promote British Values alongside our Blaise values. We do this through our curriculum, assemblies, wider opportunities, visits and visitors, discussions and literature.
We teach children how to think, not what to think. We strive to prepare them for later life as respectful, accepting, caring members of society.
Our last Ofsted Report said, 'A major strength of the school is the pupils’ excellent spiritual, social, moral and cultural development.'
Democracy: the children’s opinions matter at BlaiseWhat do we do?
- We hold elections of school councillors and Year 6 house captains at the start of the year.
- We hold school council meetings where children offer solutions and suggestions about the running of the school.
- We promote our Blaise Values of Communication, Kindness and Curiosity through the distribution of house points and whole school assemblies.
- We are continually developing our curriculum to make links with local, national and international events that are occurring.
- We teach pupils to express their views weekly in Jigsaw lessons and RE lessons.
- Staff have received regular training in supporting children to have open discussions about challenging topics.
- In different curriculum areas, children have written letters to local MPs and the Prime Minister stating their views on topics that matter to them.
- We are currently updating and improving our Oracy focus within the school.
Individual Liberty: the pupils at Blaise are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment
What do we do?
- We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights through our Behaviour Policy.
- We promote our Blaise Values of Kindness, Courage and Resilience through the distribution of house points and whole school assemblies
- We model freedom of speech in weekly Jigsaw and RE Lessons, with children referring to their class charters to ensure respect for, and from their peers.
- We challenge stereotypes in our weekly Jigsaw lessons where we also teach children to make choices about sex and relationships and drug awareness. (Please see our PSHE section on the school website for more information)
- The children are involved in their own learning journey.
- We implement a strong anti-bullying culture.
- E-Safety units of work are taught across the school and parents and staff receive training on these.
- Pupils are given the freedom to make a wide range of choices from attending extra-curricular clubs to supporting fundraising events throughout the year.
Rule of Law: we all strive to keep to our Blaise Rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe What do we do?
- Children learn the importance of having laws and rules. They understand that they protect us and influence our behaviour (both in school and wider society)
- Sections of our School Behaviour Policy are clearly displayed in every classroom and sets out expected behaviours and associated rights across the school.
- Children explore their rights and responsibilities in class.
- Children understand that there are rewards and consequences linked to behaviour expectations.
- Every class is involved in writing their Class Charters during Term 1 Jigsaw lessons.
- Expected behaviours are shared and rewarded in whole school assemblies once a week.
- House points are given to encourage children to follow our Blaise Values. (Please see our Blaise Behaviour Policy for more information).
- Keeping safe when using the internet is regularly discussed with children in computing lessons and in assemblies. We mark Internet Safety Day each year, and aim to recap the basics of Internet Safety at the start of each term. In September 2019, we joined the National Crime Agency (CEOP) Education team list as a pilot school for primary-age materials. Staff have regular training on current online safety policy and practice and we regularly communicate information and advice with parents and carers. Please see our Online Safety Policy.
- Each year we take part in Anti-bullying week; we have also worked with the Anti-bullying Alliance and participated with workshops lead by Unique Voice in the past few years. (Please see our Anti-bullying Policy).
- We have links with the Police and Fire Services who visit and lead educational sessions.
Mutual Respect: we all look after each other and our school
What do we do?
- We have very high expectations of how our pupils behave, which is reflected in our Behaviour Policy.
- Weekly celebration assemblies promote individual achievements, as well as developing respect for one another’s achievements.
- Through Jigsaw lessons, class discussions and whole school theme days we are continuously striving to challenge racism, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying.
- We recognise Black History Month. We learn about significant individuals and listen to stories and music to help the children recognise the contribution and achievements of those with African or Caribbean heritage. This is also an opportunity for the pupils to learn more about the effects of racism and how to challenge negative stereotypes.
- We are currently reviewing our school library and updating our book stock in order to provide texts that will represent and engage all children within our school community
Tolerance of different cultures and religions: we accept each other’s differencesWhat do we do?
- We explore positive role models in our history, geography and music lessons, with regular reviews of our curriculum.
- We challenge discriminatory behaviour through our Blaise Values and Behaviour Policy.
- We organise special days where children learn about other cultures.
- We teach regular RE lessons using Discovery RE; this takes the children on a journey of Engagement, Investigation, Evaluation and Expression.
- We visit a range of places of worship.
- We help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life.
- We ensure that children develop the four key skills of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening in French from years 3-6.
- During class discussions and assemblies, we discuss disabilities and the different ways we learn at Blaise. In Term 4 of 2024, Year 6 created fact files about learning and physical disabilities: they chose to share this with every class across the school.
- We hold debates English, geography and history lessons at the start and end of terms. These are linked to our ‘Big Question’ of the term.
- We use high-quality texts in English lessons that represent a range of cultures. These link to our wider-curriculum themes.