Blaise Primary and Nursery School


Spelling in EYFS and KS1

In the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, children learn to spell within their daily phonic lessons. They are taught to segment words into their component phonemes in order to break down words they are trying to spell. They also learn to spell the common exception words for their year group as required within the National Curriculum.

Read Write Inc Spellings

Once children are secure in the phonic phases we move on to Read, Write Inc Spellings. This is a scheme created by the award-winning Oxford Owl website.

Direct teaching underpins the programme. Spelling is taught cumulatively and systematically, with deliberate, focused practice. Constant revision and practice are key to children’s success.

Children learn the routines and behaviours for each activity, and practise these until they use them automatically. 

This allows them to focus on what matters most – learning to spell.

The programme’s core activities teach:

  • alternative spellings of vowels
  • alternative spellings of consonants
  • homophones
  • the impact of adding prefixes and suffixes to root words
  • spelling plural nouns
  • ‘silent’ letters
  • unusual letter strings
  • word families.


It includes all the spelling requirements of the English National Curriculum Years 2 to 6, and revises spelling taught in Year 1.

Over the year, the children will be learning different spelling rules. Please click here to see these rules.

Common exception words and curriculum words for each year group and key stage can be found here:

Year 1 

Year 2 

Years 3 and 4 

Years 5 and 6  


Spelling at home

Spelling homework should consist of using the Extra Practice Zone a few times a week and learning termly ‘tricky words’ or ‘curriculum words’ sent home by the Class Teacher.

To find out how to log in to the Extra Practice Zone, click here.