Blaise Primary and Nursery School


From September 2022, children at Blaise will be learning to spell with Read Write Inc. Spelling, a systematic spelling programme for children in years 2–6. Please note that Year 2 will start slightly later in the year.

Read, Write Inc Spelling is a systematic spelling programme which is built around a series of short, progressive activities that the children take part in daily. Throughout the programme, there is the opportunity for teacher led activities, paired work and independent work.  

Please click here to learn more about Read, Write, Inc. Spelling.

Over the year, the children will be learning different spelling rules. Please click here to see these rules. Please see your child's termly class newsletter to see which rules are being covered or speak with your child's Class Teacher. 


Spelling at home

Spelling homework should consist of using the Extra Practice Zone a few times a week and learning termly ‘tricky words’ or ‘curriculum words’ sent home by the Class Teacher.

To find out how to log in to the Extra Practice Zone, click here. 

Please ask your child's Class Teacher for a log in if you have not already received one. 

Common exception words and curriculum words for each year group and key stage can be found here:

Please click here for some extra information around Read, Write, Inc spellings.